October 20, 2023 by Lenny Rudow

Best Catamaran Fishing Boat Brands

Choosing the best catamaran fishing boats is no easy task, because in this day and age, you have plenty to choose from. This wasn’t always the case, but in recent years more and more power catamaran fishing boats have been hitting the market. The reasons are simple: Whether you’re looking at an offshore fishing catamaran, inshore catamaran fishing boats, or small catamaran fishing boats, foot-for-foot they tend to run smoother and more efficiently than their monohull brethren. While all the types of fishing boats are different and each has its own advantages and drawbacks, as a general rule, if you want to get to the fish fast in rough seas, nothing is better than a powercat for the job.

It’s tough to try to sort through various builders and nail down the best fishing boat brands, and the increase in the number of catamaran fishing boat manufacturers means choosing the top picks in this genre is as tough as any other. So, which brands are best? Here are our top picks in some of the most important categories and why we think they make the grade.



Catamaran Center Console Boat Brands

This will be a very short section, because virtually all of the catamaran sport fishing boats being built today are center consoles. Yes, some manufacturers offer pilothouse models or cuddy cabins, but those that don’t offer a lineup consisting mostly of center consoles are few and far between. So, keep on reading—the manufacturers we call out as tops for the more specific categories below all fall into the category of best catamaran center console boat brands, as well.


Offshore Fishing Catamaran Brands

Offshore boats need to meet some prerequisites: they have to be large and competent enough to run dozens of miles from shore, have the fuel capacity for cruising hours on end, and of course they need all the fishing accouterments to handle big game pelagics like tunas and billfish. 



In many ways, Freeman is partially responsible for the current wave of cat popularity, because their 34- to 47-foot fleet was quickly adopted by a number of offshore fishing guides after they splashed their first model in 2007. Their boats are known for hat-stripping performance, often cruising comfortably at 50 mph or more, even in a head sea, with top-end speeds sometimes exceeding 70 mph. Tremendous fuel capacity and utterly massive fishboxes are some other traits the Freemans are famous for.


Freeman 47 offshore catamaran fishing boatPhoto credit: Freeman Boatworks



Invincible Boats offers a lineup including both monohulls and power catamarans, with center console cats ranging from 33 to 46 feet plus a 46-foot pilothouse model. These boats post spectacular speeds with cruising in the 50 mph range and often they can break 70 mph at top-end, thanks to semi-asymmetrical hulls with near-vertical inside walls. Invincible is also known for its advanced and customizable livewell systems. On the 46, for example, the boat can be rigged with up to four livewells up to 70 gallons each, fed by a sea chest system with as many as six pumps. 


Invincible 46 offshore catamaran fishing boatPhoto credit: Invincible


World Cat

When judged by the number of hulls built, World Cat is one of the biggest powercat manufacturers in existence, and the company has a lineup that starts small but includes five models from 26 to 40 feet that are up to the task of offshore fishing. They have all the basic fishing features, plenty of range, and comparatively good performance, but what they’re known for when matched up against the competition is a healthy dose of family-friendly features. Unlike some angling-dedicated offshore fishing catamaran models, the World Cats feature lots of comfy seating, roomy head console compartments, freshwater showers, stereo systems, and similar touches that can take the edge off a long day of fishing.


World Cat 325 fishing boatPhoto credit: World Cat


Inshore Fishing Catamaran Boat Brands

Inshore anglers can be just as demanding as the offshore crowd, and when the weather is right many of them will head into the open ocean as well. So, the main defining factor separating offshore fishing catamaran boats from inshore catamaran fishing boats is simply size. And often, the line between the two gets blurred. As a result, you’ll see some newcomers here, but some of the best catamaran fishing boat brands we’ve already talked about could easily pull a repeat performance.



Caymas is a newcomer to the catamaran world, having built only monohulls up to the 2023 model year. Their new 34, however, is an impressive boat which has offshore abilities and will also make an excellent inshore fishing machine. It rides on a set of twin-stepped hulls with 18/22-degree deadrise surfaces at the transom and 50/55-degree entries at the bow, features a Hooker sea chest livewell system with 70 gallons standard and an additional 50 gallons optional, and plenty of high-end perks like lighted stowage compartments, a JL Marine audio system, and USB ports at the helm.


Caymas 34 inshore fishing catamaran

Photo credit: Caymas Boats



Tideline is a small, semi-custom builder in North Carolina, and their boats can be difficult to find on the market, but we need to mention them here because they build a 24-footer that’s well known as one of the finest inshore hybrid fishing cats around. With twin 200-hp outboards, it boasts 50-plus-mph performance, has an utterly massive forward casting deck for slinging lures to gamefish like reds and specks, and hull draft is a mere 14 inches so it can sneak into the shallows where few anglers tread. 


Tideline inshore fishing catamaran

Photo credit: Tideline Boats


Twin Vee

Twin Vee does make some large models intended for offshore use but their 24- to 28-foot center console models are perfect for inshore angling. Better yet for many family fishermen who want a multipurpose platform, they also offer a pair of dual console 24-foot models. Twin Vees have a “compression tunnel” that packs air between the two hulls and compresses it as the boat moves forward, creating a cushion of sorts that makes for an unusually soft ride in choppy seas.


Twin Vee 260 GFX fishing catamaran

Photo credit: Twin Vee


World Cat

World Cat is back as we discuss the inshore scene, thanks to models like their 235CC and 260 and 280CC-X. The 235CC is designed like a bay boat, with large fore and aft casting decks, while the 260CC-X features a very unusual drop-down transom design, with the livewell and fishbox shifted into widened aft gunwales. Like other World Cats, these boats have plenty of comfort features to go along with the angling perks.


World Cat 235 bay fishing catamaran

Photo credit: World Cat


Small Catamaran Fishing Boat Brands

“Small” is a relative term, and while 20- to 24-footers may seem like small catamaran fishing boats to some folks, they seem mighty big to others. However, the distinction is more or less moot because in the current marketplace, no major production builders drop down below 22 feet, seven inches of LOA (the World Cat 235CC). If you want a cat under this size, you can look for a custom builder or search the used boat market. Twin Vee made plenty of 19- to 22-foot boats in years past, Tideline made a 19, and when they were in operation, catamaran boat brands like Leader and Nautico made a number of powercats between 14 and 21 feet.


Choosing the Best Catamaran Brand For You

Are there some powercat brands out there that build a great boat, but we haven’t mentioned? Absolutely. Arrow Cat builds a pair of interesting cabin boats that aren’t 100-percent fishing machines, but do have semi-fishy cockpits that would work just fine for plenty of people. C Dory makes a 25-footer that falls into the same category. And Aquila, which traditionally built large cruising boats, has recently introduced a 28-foot center console billed as a fishing boat. Any of these, or others, could be the “best” brand for you, depending on your personal needs and tastes. But the power catamaran fishing boat manufacturers we’ve called out here are all arguably at the top of the heap—nd if you take one for a sea trial, we’re betting you’ll agree.



Written By: Lenny Rudow

With over three decades of experience in marine journalism, Lenny Rudow has contributed to dozens of boating and fishing publications and websites. Rudow lives in Annapolis, Maryland, and is currently Angler in Chief at Rudow’s FishTalk; he is a past president of Boating Writers International (BWI), a graduate of the Westlawn School of Yacht Design, and has won numerous BWI and OWAA writing awards.


More from: Lenny Rudow

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